Study Start
There is a saying: "All beginnings are difficult". We want to help you on these pages so that this is not the case during your studies. If you have as much information as possible and know what to do next or who to ask for help with any problems, then everything new will remain exciting, but it will no longer feel so difficult.

Information event for the start of studies
During the first week of the semester
Our professors will inform you about the the contents of the three profiles of the Master's Program "Geodetic Engineering" in detail and give you some hints about studying at our institute.
In a second welcome event you will be introduced to the study program and examination regulations.
Application for admission to the Master’s examination
Please submit the completed form for admission to the examination procedure to the examination office "Geodesy and Geoinformation" (Nußallee 17, 1st floor, room 1.012, Mrs. Meyer-Noack) during the first two weeks of your studies:
Application for admission to the Master’s examination
(including declaration)
Regulations for the examination procedure
In the following documents you will find the regulations for the procedure and execution of the examinations in the study program M.Sc. Geodetic Engineering:
Examination Regulations
M.Sc. GE
Examination Regulations of the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

It is the key to all digital services that are important in studies.

The learning platform of the university with a variety of eLearning offers.

The electronic course catalog and electronic exam registration.
On the pages of the Central Student Advisory Service of the university, you can find out everything you need to know about starting your studies: from the freshman welcome to living in Bonn and the possibilities of financing your studies.