Universität Bonn

Geodesy and Geoinformation

Examinations / Forms / Announcements

Examination Matters

Which examination regulations are valid for your studies generally depends on when you started your studies. The examination regulations that are still valid are listed below. Please choose the version that is valid for you for further announcements in your examination matters.

You can find links to older examination regulation versions at the bottom of the page.

Examination Dates (20242)

D R A F T - Modifications are possible

Geodetic Earth Observation

Examination number: 753900509, MGE-05-E1
Date: 26./27.03.2025 (CW13) (Event 01)
Type of examination: Oral examination
Duration: 25 minutes
Location: Meeting room, Room 2.004, Nußallee 15, 53115 Bonn
Examiner: Dr.-Ing. M. Karegar, Dr.-Ing. A. Springer
Observer: Dr.-Ing. M. Karegar, Dr.-Ing. A. Springer
Exam dates: binding exam dates6
further Information: none

Master's Thesis

Examination number: 753900909, MGE-MT-E1
Date: pursuant to issue (Event 01)
Type of examination: Thesis
Location: ---
Examiner: Lecturers in the Master's program in Geodetic Engineering (539)
further Information: The registration of the Master's thesis and the handing out of the assignment is done in person at the examination office or by digital transmission. The processing time is a minimum of four and a maximum of six months.

Project Mobile Sensing and Robotics - Part II (PE1)

Examination number: 753910402, MSR-P-W-PE1
Date: course accompanying (Event 01)
Type of examination: Projectwork
Location: ---
Examiner: Prof. C. Stachniss, PD L. Klingbeil
further Information: none

Project Mobile Sensing and Robotics - Part II (PE2)

Examination number: 753910403, MSR-P-W-PE2
Date: pursuant to issue (Event 01)
Type of examination: Written report
Location: ---
Examiner: Prof. C. Stachniss, PD L. Klingbeil
further Information: none

Advanced Data Analysis

Examination number: 753920209, GES-02-E1
Date: by agreement (07.04.2025) (Event 01)
Type of examination: Oral examination
Duration: 25 minutes
Location: Seminar room, Room 2.004, Nußallee 15, 53115 Bonn
Examiner: Dr.-Ing. M. Karegar
Observer: M.Sc. L. Jendges
Exam dates: --- still to be announced ---
further Information: none

Project Geodetic Earth System Science and Data Analysis - Part II (PE1)

Examination number: 753920402, GES-P-W-PE1
Date: course accompanying (Event 01)
Type of examination: Projectwork
Location: ---
Examiner: Prof. J. Kusche, Prof. S. Glaser, Prof. M. Schindelegger, PD L. Fenoglio-Marc
further Information: none

Project Geodetic Earth System Science and Data Analysis - Part II (PE2)

Examination number: 753920403, GES-P-W-PE2
Date: pursuant to issue (Event 01)
Type of examination: Written report
Location: ---
Examiner: Prof. J. Kusche, Prof. S. Glaser, Prof. M. Schindelegger, PD L. Fenoglio-Marc
further Information: none

Project Geoinformation and Spatial Development - Part II (PE1)

Examination number: 753930402, GSD-P-W-PE1
Date: course accompanying (Event 01)
Type of examination: Projectwork
Location: ---
Examiner: Prof. J.-H. Haunert
further Information: none

Project Geoinformation and Spatial Development - Part II (PE2)

Examination number: 753930403, GSD-P-W-PE2
Date: pursuant to issue (Event 01)
Type of examination: Written report
Location: ---
Examiner: Prof. J.-H. Haunert
further Information: none
  1) Date and/or time to be finally fixed.
  D R A F T - State: 20.03.2025 - 17:52

Examination regulations

Study start after WS 2020/2021

PO-Version 20202

Examination Regulations for the Consecutive Master's Degree Program "Geodetic Engineering" of the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciencese of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn dated October 16, 2020

Study start after WS 2020/2021

PO-Version 20202

This translation is provided solely for informational purposes. Only the German original is legally binding.

All students


of the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn dated October 16, 2020

Examination Office

Avatar Binnenbruck

Bernd Binnenbruck

Examination Office


Nußallee 17

53115 Bonn

Avatar Meyer-Noack

Catrin Meyer-Noack

Examination Office (Mo-Do: 9-13)


Nußallee 17

53115 Bonn

Academic Responsible in the Examination Board

Avatar Kusche

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Kusche

Academic Responsible in the Examination Board from July 01 2023


Nußallee 17

53115 Bonn

Avatar Schuh

Wolf-Dieter Schuh

Academic Responsible in the Examination Board till June 30 2023


Nußallee 17

53115 Bonn

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