Universität Bonn

Geodesy and Geoinformation

Master Geodetic Engineering

The master program Geodetic Engenieering is a research orientated program. This means the program will help you developing skills in approaching challenging, new and unsolved problems in geodesy and the application of geodetic methods in related fields. In other words, during your study you will learn problem-solving skills rather than using standard software for standard applications.

The Program offers three different profiles.


GES Profil
© Michael Schindelegger | IGG

Geodetic Earth System Science and Data Analysis

The profile deals with how advanced satellite- and space-geodetic observation techniques, in combination with innovative data processing and modeling approaches, provide us with adequate information to make appropriate decisions based on empirical results and their interpretation..

© IGG | Jan-Henrik Haunert & Michael Kneuper

Geoinformation and Spatial Developement

The profile focuses on developing and implementing innovative solutions to problems of spatial data handling and development of technologies - with advanced methods and systems - that can help decision makers and planners in a highly urbanised world.

MSR Profil
© Lannert | Uni Bonn

Mobile Sensing
and Robotics

The profile adresses state-of-the-art techniques for analyzing and interpreting sensor data that has recorded from moving vehicles, like cars, UAVs, robots or agriculture platforms, as well as for selecting appropriate actions based on the collected information.


DEGREE Master of Science (M.Sc.)
DURATION 4 semesters
START OF COURSE winter semester
ADMISSION Decison of admission board

Student Council

Are you interested in finding out more about studying directly from the students? Then just click on the student council logo on the left and you will find all contact persons on the student council page.


You can find all other facts about studying the Master's Program "Geodetic Engineering" in a short form in our flyer.

Information about the Master's Program (M.Sc.)

© Volker Lannert | Uni Bonn

Requirements & Application

All information about the requirements and the application for the Master's Program.



How is the study program structured and which subjects await you in the different profiles?


Student Advising

If you have any questions, just contact us via phone, mail or in person.

Zugang & Bewerbung
© Bernadett Yehdou | Uni Bonn

Study Start

All information for a good and smooth start at our institute.

© IGG | Michael Kneuper


what equipment does the study program offer: Library, computer labs and lecture halls.

© IGG | Geodäsie

After Study

Your oppertunities with a Master Degree in Geodetic Engineering

Typical geodetic disciplines

For more information just click on the picture.

Where is it ?

For a quick campus overview:
All locations around the study program.

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